
Next-Gen Scaffolder

Next-Gen Scaffolder is a scaffolder for de novo genome assembly projects, taking contigs and paired end libraries to produce high-quality scaffolds. It is compatible with 454 reads.

Today's DNA sequencing instruments produce a lot of bytes. First, DNA molecules are teared apart and each chunk is to be decoded separately. Then, decoded chunks (called reads) are grouped in contigs. Repetitive genomic regions can be really difficult to assemble and some genomic regions are easier to sample than other. Therefore, paired end libraries are an alternative as they put contigs together into larger scaffolds, leaving gaps between consecutive contigs.

As an alternative to existing scaffolders, Next-Gen Scaffolder builds forests to dramatically increase the processing throughput.
Proper detangling is also done to cope with false positives. This software is licensed with the GPL. It can be downloaded on the project page.

Using the Next-Gen Scaffolder is easy. Try it today!